Bay Area Reach Codes

Supporting local agencies in adopting Reach Codes for a sustainable future


Peninsula Clean Energy, Silicon Valley Clean Energy, Santa Clara County and the San Mateo County Office of Sustainability are joining together to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within their service territories by developing forward-thinking building and transportation electrification reach codes.

This program is designed to provide your jurisdiction with expert technical assistance support and resources to assist you through the reach code adoption process. Technical assistance includes: custom code development, outreach assistance, council meeting support, and submission support.

To start the reach code adoption process, please contact your respective CCA representative:

Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE):

Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE):

San Mateo County Office of Sustainability:

General Inquiries (TRC):

Why Adopt Reach Codes?

Buildings and vehicles that are and have are safer and healthier for our communities.

Reach Codes are local building code enhancements adopted by cities and counties to provide improved building efficiency and more EV charging benefits than the state code.

To realize the benefits of the green power provided by PCE and SVCE, reach codes help to ensure new and existing buildings, as well as vehicles, are operating on as much of that clean energy as possible. By developing reach codes that focus on cost effective decarbonization, cities can save energy and reduce GHG emissions in San Mateo and Santa Clara County.

What are Reach Codes?

(Coming Soon)

Explore Model Reach Codes

Explore Resources